In this final (for now) segment on the Bullet Journal, I’m sharing all of the lists I keep in my Journal. This is by far the most fun part of journaling, so I’ve saved the best for last!

In segment one, I introduced the Bullet Journal and how it can benefit your productivity and organization. In the second segment, I covered monthly and weekly calendars and planning. You can refer to these and the links in those posts for ideas to develop your own Bullet Journal.
Each year, in January, I also develop several annual lists. These can and should be reentered if you’re starting a new journal as well, so you don’t lose that information (even if it’s mid-year). Here are the annual lists I keep:
20 for 2020 - This is a concept that Gretchen Rubin developed. Check it out here. In summary, it is your 20 goals for 2020. Catchy, right?! Unfortunately, COVID has rendered me unable to accomplish a few of my 2020 goals, but I’ve firmly completed three so far!
Hobbies - I try to read two books per month and complete one artistic endeavor each month. This listing is actually a tracking mechanism, more than a planning one, though I often list books I’d like to read or crafts I’d like to complete off to the side.
House Plan - These are projects I’d like to finish throughout the year in our house and in our yard. I’m sure we all have one of these, either in our head or stuck to the fridge! I refer to it monthly.
Seasonal Capsule Update - I develop these short lists twice per year, for updating my capsule wardrobe each Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. If you are curious about developing a Capsule Wardrobe, check out my earlier post here.
In addition to lists based on planning or logging for the year, there are some that I create or update throughout the year, but move from journal to journal:
Quotes - This is a list of my favorite quotes that I like to reread from time to time for inspiration.
100 Dreams - I’ve been working on my 100 Dreams list for about a year now, and I’ve only identified 59 of them, so I can attest that it’s harder than you might think! It’s a work in progress, and if you’re interested in developing one, check out Laura Vanderkam’s post.
Vacation Research - Depending on what we are planning, I usually have one or two lists going with restaurants, hotels, dates, etc. I also keep packing lists as the trips get closer, and these are great to refer to for future travel.
Gifts - I keep a regular gift idea list for those closest to me--children, spouse, parents, in-laws, etc.
So there you have it--my list of lists, and the last segment in the Bullet Journal...for now. Because as I continue to evolve, I’m sure my journaling will evolve as well.
"Because as I continue to evolve, I’m sure my journaling will evolve as well. "
I look forward to sharing those updates with this community. For now, crack open your journal and enjoy making some lists!