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Monday Musings: Halloween Memories

Writer: Samantha Samantha

Since my birthday is this time of year, I cherish my childhood and adolescent memories of costume (birthday) parties and Halloween nights. I've always loved fall and spooky season, but when I became a parent, I upped my game and excitement.

As a child, I recall trick-or-treating in cold and chilly weather (snow occurred a few years) while oftentimes wearing plastic costumes and masks — it was the '80s! I usually spent the evening with cousins, and copies of the annual photo of us sitting on my family's iconic late '70s/early '80s patterned couch are still floating around. Ah, the memories!

When I got older, I rarely passed up Halloween inspired events. In high school, I dressed as a Hershey Kiss and Minnie Mouse. One year, I cooked up an impromptu group costume with friends — we wore pajamas, robes and slippers with rollers in our hair.

I share my love for the holiday with my three children. In the past, they've dressed up together with a theme, but most years, they do their own thing. They like to partake in group costumes with friends (full circle moments)!

As always, I'm really looking forward to a fun Halloween evening with my family and friends. Our house will be filled of teenagers, a few adults and a lot of food. It will be spooktacular!


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