Parenting is one of, if not the, biggest job any of us will ever have. And let's be honest, it's not always easy. While it often provides a great community, it can also feel lonely and scary.
There are so many resources out there to celebrate and laugh about the good times or lean on (and maybe laugh) during the hard times. Here are a few of my favorites:
Books: I like so many of Gretchen Rubin's books for parenting hacks and tips (though they are not explicitly a parenting genre), or there are more serious parenting books like Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne, or Untangled by Lisa Damour.
Instagram: While social media can be a trigger for comparison and worry, there are also so many parenting resources available out there! Handles like "Momsoftweensandteens," "The Dad," "" or "fitdadceo" are full of relatable content. Some use humor while others provide helpful articles or information. And if you're a coach, there's also no shortage of advice for youth sports.
Podcasts: A parenting podcast I have listened to over the years is Mom Enough, by a mother/daughter team. Their backgrounds as a developmental psychologist and maternal-child health specialist nurse practitioner provide for talking about a broad array of childhood issues. They also invite experts on to add to specific topics.
So, whether you need a good laugh, or you need some good information, there are resources aplenty!
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