I find the amount of cleaning and laundry products on the market overwhelming. Between the different brands and types...it's hard to keep up! The two products I'm reviewing today are important in my household for one or both reasons -- fragrance and effectiveness.
I use Downy's Unstopables laundry beads every time I wash a load of laundry. They provide laundry with several weeks of freshness. To use, you pour a cap full of the beds into the washer drum before adding clothes. You use laundry detergent and fabric softener along with the beads to ensure long-lasting freshness. I love this product, especially for how effective it is on athletic wear.

The best pet odor eliminator I've found is Angry Orange. It truly eliminates pet stains and odors while offering a nonintrusive citrus orange fragrance. There are a couple lines of this product -- we use the one for cats and it's really effective at attacking the root cause of the foul smells. I haven't found anything that comes close to its success rate.

Do you have any favorite cleaning products?
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