Right now, Gretchen Rubin's phrase "Choose the Bigger Life" is really resonating with me. And in trying to apply that to my life, I can see how that can be an expensive idea sometimes--vacations, meals out, a new pet, etc. These things all cost money! So, in trying to be thoughtful about how we "Choose the Bigger Life," I'm looking at community activities that can help us accomplish this goal on a budget!
Here are a few free or low cost ideas to explore:

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunts
Outdoor Concerts
Movies in the Park
Explore Pickleball
Community Lectures
Art/Craft Fairs
Minor League Baseball Games
Bookstore Author Visits
Earth Day Festivals
Food Truck Parks
Kayak Rentals
Community Theatre
Hiking Trails/Walking or Bike Paths

How else are you exploring your community? We'd love to hear from you on Instagram or Facebook!