I'm always looking for good inspiration when it comes to decor and organization. I believe I've hit a bit of a wall after spending so much time in my own home, so I've starting turning to books and blogs for some inspiration. I plan to do a few posts on this topic, so I'm starting with some of my favorites; these are trusted resources in our home!

This 2012 release offers 243 tips and tricks for updating your home and is heavily focused on DIY. Given its age, there are a few ideas that are dated, but most are really simple concepts and techniques that can still serve your home well. For example, one tip features five different fruit bowls, and another shows how to reupholster a dining room chair. If you're not familiar with their well-established blog, Young House Love, they introduce themselves at the beginning, then feature several other longtime DIY bloggers throughout the book.
Check out our review of their podcast here.

YHL returns for a second book with writing that seems (in my unqualified opinion) a little more design-focused (as opposed to DIY). This book offers formulas for good design and lots of before and afters. There are examples from their own homes, but it also includes others with a wide variety of styles and family sizes. Helpful sections include "Quickie Projects" and "Afternoon Project," and the photography is a step up from the 2012 edition. I haven't perused this one in awhile, and I walked away from this latest review with a few ideas, including "pick an inspiration piece," "show off your books" and "make use of the ceiling."

This is a book that proclaims it is for those who love to organize, but "without feeling bad about the things you own." There are amazing images, funny lines and a few quizzes throughout. Among the galleries from homes as posh as Khloe Kardashian's are takeaways like "reserve 20% of space for breathing room," and "rainbow is right." You can flip through this book over and over, and never tire of the perfection of these organized spaces!
Need some home inspiration? Check out these three books, and I'll be back in a few weeks with more!
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