I've shared my dislike for grocery shopping and the much-appreciated solutions to this chore (thank you, Instacart!). However, I rather enjoy the satisfaction that comes from cleaning the house, especially when I can pop in my earbuds and listen to something good. Hint: I like a good audiobook and some musical theatre!
Top 5 Soundtracks for Cleaning:
5. Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson on audiobook- this got me through some recent spring cleaning.
4. Hamilton soundtrack on Amazon music. This never gets old!
3. Happier with Gretchen Rubin is a podcast that always leaves me feeling uplifted.
2. A Winter in New York by Josie Silver is the last audiobook I listened to. Read Samantha's review of One Day in December (also by Silver) here.
And, drumroll please...
Wicked soundtrack. It's got great female ballads and I love the message. I cried when I saw it live!
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