We are into our activities and school schedules, but today is just the first Friday of September! August is that funny month that starts as summer and ends as fall, and our posts were the perfect reflection of that.
August included some end of summer fun, with long weekend trips, good books like The Sicilian Inheritance by Jo Piazza and favorite poolside beverages.
We did, however, spend a lot of the month prepping for the school year ahead, from the mundane (but necessary) back-to-school tasks and packing lunches, to the emotional preparation for having a senior in high school.
August really is a whirlwind.
And then, suddenly, we're back in our routine. The weather may say otherwise, but the end of summer has arrived.
For this sun-loving, heat-over-cold, pool-going girl, the thing that comforts me is the coziness and beauty of fall. That, and the clothes.
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